Thursday, May 26, 2011

Lord Have Mercy on a Country [Girl]

Today I went for a run.

Yes, I ran.  Yes, that is a miracle (kind of), and yes, I ran longer than I thought I could.  Still, running and I have a hard time liking each other.  My experience always goes something like this:

"Ready, set, RUN!"
"I'm not going to get very far.  This is going to be dreadful."
"No, you can do this.  I know you can."
"You're right. I can.  And I am! How coo--wait, somethings wrong.  Oh, yeah.  I have to breathe."
>gasp, cough, gasp<
"Yeah, don't forget that.  Breathe slower.  Control you're breathing."
"Okay, I can do this........>deep breathing<..........................  I'm tired."
"You can make it to that power pole."
>sigh of exasperation< "Okay, I'll do that."
"...Now the next one."
"Keep going..."
"I'm going to have to take a break in a little while."
"If you do, you know you'll never get back running."
>With new gusto< "You're right.  No breaks."
>With great desperation< "Okay, at the next power-pole, I have to break."

(Abi breaks for 10 seconds, and then actually continues her run only to realize at the end that she didn't enjoy the weather or see the beautiful things she ran right by because she was busy fighting herself to run.)

It doesn't sound too appealing does it?  Naw...I didn't think so either. That's just MY experience running, though...


after work, I did go mountain biking with Dad and Max.  There's a ginchy little trail along the highway that lots of people ride their dirt-bikes on, and it just happens to be a pretty decent jaunt for a mountain bike.
Now, biking--that's my cup of tea.  You get further, you go faster, and you don't get all the impact on your joints--not to mention, when you're mountain biking, you're concentrating so hard on staying on your bike that you don't even notice how much you're working.  It's a win-win---win-win situation.  AND when you can go with your family, is there anything better?

Now, at this moment, I regret to announce that while I was mountain biking, I still had very little time to look about and see the beauties of the place I live in.  I was trying not to eat it... it happens to me a lot when I'm biking.  BUT after we got off the dirt path, Dad and Max kept going, and I took a little detour so I could have a think.

I took the paved road, and thought about home.  I got hit by some water from a wheel-line, and it smelled like river--fish, sand, sunscreen, whitewater rafting, and campfires.  I rode past a few houses and watched kids play in their yards.  I drove past fields of winter-wheat--all the same height.  The smooth grass made ocean waves as the breeze drove it about.  I passed a field of alfalfa that was almost ready to cut, and it had about as many happy, yellow dandelions in it as alfalfa.  I was, again, mesmerized watching the pivots water the fields.  I rode past a dairy.  Call me crazy, but I don't mind the smell.  Actually I rather like it.  There's a cliche here that says "It smells like money," and while I was not raised on a dairy, I have experienced feeding and milking.  I love the small-town, country reliance on livestock and land.  It's given me respect and gratitude for those who work so hard to provide for me, and it's taught me how to work hard too.

I could feel and hear the wind, and the air smelled chilly.  I kept going, and counted the cars I passed.  Four.  Four cars in 5 miles.  I saw so few people.  Oddly enough, I didn't know any one of them, and they all waved at me as they passed . . . and I waved back.  :)  I paused to look before I turned to start the home-stretch.  I could barely stand on my bike-accustomed legs.  I smelled the river, the dairy, dirt, coming rain, dozens of crops, horses, and water.  I kept going, and thought of how lucky I was to grow up here.  I love this place--everything about it--even the dead polecat on the road.  :) It wouldn't be home without it. :]

Josh Turner sings a song that I related to a lot when I was living in Provo.  Now, don't get me wrong, I love Provo, but now you know why this song makes so much sense:

Well, I grew up wild and free,
Walkin' these fields in my bare feet.
There wasn't no place I couldn't go,
With a .22 rifle and a fishin' pole.

Well, I live in the city, but don't fit in,
You know it's a pity the shape I'm in.
Well, I got no home and I got no choice.
Oh, Lord, have mercy on a country boy.

Josh Tuner holds a place in my heart :)
I finally rode home, and when I got there, we had dinner, and I convinced Madi and Max to do a little yoga with me.  Then we had herbal tea, and headed off to watch Kung Fu Panda.  All in all, it's been a grand day.

And I'm exhausted.

Sunday, May 22, 2011

Because it's FUN!

So, I have a bad habit.

I do things spontaneously.

All the time.

And the only explanation I can ever give is this:


Like the time I sacrificed breakfast food because my roommates and I just had to have 50 glow-sticks.  Or all the times we stayed up 'til 4 talking.  Or when I write ransom notes.  Or wink at the speakers in church.  Or wear high heels.  Or make funny faces at mere acquaintances.  Or sing opera with my sister while we're making cookies.  Or....well, I'm sure you've caught the drift.

The fact is...I'm quite....eccentric sometimes.  Don't worry.  I like it.  It keeps my life interesting. ;)  

Now I have finally come to real reason I'm writing to tell you this.  Tell me what is wrong with this picture:

You would be correct.

I have found a new love.  


Quite possibly the greatest invention ever!  Ma, Mads, and I got them on our sister-mom date the other night, and they've been a source of GREAT enjoyment!
I wear it quite a lot, and am entertained for hours watching it change colors.
I'm beginning to suspect that it determines rather than indicates what my mood is.
It's fantastic.
Go get one.

Sunday, May 15, 2011

On Sunday :)

It always amazes me how Sundays are so wonderful.  I woke up early this morning to get ready and shortly realized that I didn't need to be ready for church for a while longer, so I picked up a book, and was outside by eight letting the wind blow-dry my hair.  It was a beautiful, sunny morning.  I went to church with darling M'Kenzie and thoroughly enjoyed it.  It was one of those days when it seems like everything everyone is teaching is instantly applicable.  I like those Sundays.

Sunday is definitely my favorite day of the week.  It's slower, peaceful, and I can spend my day in calm reflection.  During Sacrament Meeting I was reading the words to a hymn, and they just happened echo my thoughts exactly at what I have been thinking about/doing a lot lately.

When through the woods and forest glades I wander,
And hear the birds sing sweetly in the trees,
When I look down from lofty mountain grandeur,
And hear the brook, and feel the gentle breeze

Then sings my soul, my Savior, God, to Thee
How great thou art! How great thou art!
Then sings my soul, my Savior, God, to Thee
How great thou art! How great thou art!

When Christ shall come with shout of acclamation,
And take me home, what joy shall fill my heart!
Then I shall bow with humble adoration,
And there proclaim, my God, how great thou art!

Then sings my soul, my Savior, God, to Thee
How great thou art! How great thou art!
Then sings my soul, my Savior, God, to Thee
How great thou art! How great thou art!

True, in Idaho, the "gentle breeze" is more of a hurricane--especially today, but I still find it applicable.  It's a beautiful hymn--definitely one of my favorites.  Walking outside just really reminds me about how great God is, and how blessed I am.  I feel closer and more grateful there.  I hope you felt closer to Christ today, and I hope your Sunday turned out to be as great as mine!  

If not, watch this.  We watched it in Relief Society today, and it made me so happy.
"Embrace this day with an enthusiastic matter how it looks."
Great words of wisdom, and definitely something I needed to hear:

Friday, May 13, 2011

Just because you're special...

Hey, you!  Yes, you.  I think you're wonderful and special.
You wanna know just how special I think you are?  VERY.
You can tell because I'm going to do something that I reserve for the elite in my "Book of Special People" written by me.  I'm going to go on a walk with you--not just any walk--this is a walk through the scene of my childhood.  It will be picture-laden and memory-filled. Today is just such a beautiful day, why not?  (P.S. You can click on the pictures, so our walk is more detailed. :]  I've got you covered.)
Here we go--but first, you must abandon those dreadful things with which your feet are shod.  Yup.  No shoes are allowed.  Okay, now that you've discarded your moccasins, we can head out. :)
Here's where we start:

 And here's what you can see:

Here, you exclaim, "How beautiful!"  I say, "You wanna see more?  Yes, you wanna see more."  And I quickly grab your hand and pull you on this wonderful adventure. :]
As we walk down the dirt road in front of my house, lo and behold! Grandma has plum trees blooming!

They're lovely.  You can hear the bees in them, and they smell as wonderful as they look! ….

 The one on the right plants potatoes, and the one on the left digs them--well, used to.  Now Granny uses  the old-school equipment to adorn her lawn, and it's lovely.

This is how we get to Granny's through the trees that make her wind block:

Kind of mystical, huh?  I helped pave it.  We walk through, and Granny's house is on the left.  Isn't it cute?

As we walk through her yard, we see my great-grandparent's house.  It is also the home I grew up in.

The blue spray paint was done by....somebody....  Anyways, we keep walking, and finally we make to the paved road:

You see some odd contraptions to your right:

A dump-truck and a small tractor. :)

We keep walking, and we chat about how wonderful life is, and what a perfect day it is to take a walk.  As we do, we see this:

We have to stop, though, and follow through with the tradition:

Every time I cross this bridge (as do many of my cousins) I pick some grass, throw it into the creek, and run over to the other side to see it float under.  We've done it for years, so you, Madi, and I stop to follow through.  You laugh at my silliness as we keep walking.  We turn right onto a dirt road…

...and walk to the barn.  I've explored it many times.  Maybe, when we have more time together, I'll bring you back.

 Watch out!  There's stinging nettle in front.  You decide not to go any closer--after all, you don't want your bare feet injured!

Here we see Grandpa's horses.  The one in the middle is Mountain Walker.  We've been buds for a long time.  Too bad he doesn't remember me since I went to college...
It's okay, you can pet them, I promise.  You do. :)  Classy bites you...juuuuuust kidding!

 We head back to the road...  I'm so happy you are enjoying this as much as I am!

We gaze at the wheat field…

...and keep walking toward the river…

This is your first glimpse of the Snake.

I show you the gate Thomas Olaf made as a gift for Grandpa:

Here is the bridge.  Right there to the left of it is where we cousins don our life-jackets and enter the water for our summer floats.  They're great! :)  I push you in.  Psych!  I wouldn't do that, Silly!  Now, technically there's a gate to the bridge...but it's open, so why not go ahead?

 The sun came out :)

 There is a house on the island...which seems to be a bad idea to me.  See how high the river is?
Look how smooth the water is.  It's a perfect day for skiing, eh?

 These are the pelicans that like to hang out by the mouth of the creek.  The middle one's name is Percival.

 It was very sunny, but it started to rain!  You, being the genius you are, instantly start looking for something you know likes these kinds of weather conditions….

 A rainbow!  You found it!  Isn't it lovely!  Still, it's about time we head back…

 And we walk, and visit.  I'm sorry you're feet are hurting a should build up those callouses.  It's good for you. :)

 Did you know rainbows come in pairs?  Oh, I'm sorry.  Of course you did!  You can see it right there!

 We see a lovely view of granny's house and the sheep barn.

 The creek is especially lovely at this time of year, and the sun is just beautiful!

 Here we come.  Back to Granny's!

 Some of my ancestors used to live in this cabin.  It now sits in Granny's yard.

 Here's her house.  Can you tell she likes spring flowers?  "Especially daffodils!" you say.  Look at you! You know your flowers, you sly dog.  ;)

 The front wheels to a wagon...the back wheels are across the grassy lane…

 We turn left and head back up to my house…

 We take a few last looks.  You exclaim, "How lovely it is!  I'll bet you had a fun time exploring here as a child."  Yes, my friend, I did.  And it was grand.

And look who we see on our way back to the house.  None other than Granny, Grandpa, and Anna all sitting and visiting so happily!
They're just great on their cute little swing!
 Now we are back home...but there's one last thing I have to show you...

 We have to go take one last look at where we started--in my back yard.

There!  Now don't you feel grand?  I rather enjoyed that little jaunt.  I have a feeling we shall go on many walks together in the future.  I liked walking and visiting with you!  Thank you for being so wonderful! :)

Sunday, May 8, 2011

Thoughts of the day...

This will be a look into the random mind of Abigail, but please don't get too scared. :)  These are just some of the things that happened to cross my mind today:

  • First, I love my mother.  Happy Mother's Day to a wonderful, beautiful, fantastic woman!
  • I love it when my sister, Eliza Anne, can come home to visit.  I find I miss her a lot now.
  • Grandma Kate is a classy woman, and she's one of the sweetest people I know.
  • Have you noticed that most of us pronounce it "every-buddy" instead of "every-body."  I thought that was pretty cool (as I was loading the dishwasher).
  • I am veeeeeeeeeeerrrryyyyy thankful for a dishwasher.  After 8 months without one, I can't think of an invention I love more.
  • I thought of all my missionary family and friends who called their families today for mothers day.  They're pretty great, and I'm a big fan!
  • I love Primary children.  Endless hugs, singing mother's day songs in Sacrament Meeting, and just being so darn cute!  Peter was yelling the chorus to "I Am A Child of God" today, and there were about 16 of us busting a gut in church.  Haha!
  • I'm glad I can cook.  Liza and I made a restaurant-worthy Italian dinner for Mamacita, and it was quite possibly the most scrumptious thing I have eaten in a while. :]

 Thank you, Alissa-Fred for teaching me about/how to make Bruschetta! Mmmmm..... :)
  • I love my family to the sky and back.  They're pretty great....jus' sayin'.....
  • I had herbal tea today,--Sugar Plum Spice--which made me think of my wonderful roommates, Alissa-Fred and Marie Morgan.
  • I miss some people.  I love my family, don't get me wrong, and I miss them when I'm not around them, BUT at this moment in time, I miss Tyler Dan and Thomas Olaf and Alissa-Fred and Craig Hunter and Marie Morgan and Miiiiiichael Alan and Eric William and Kirb-Stomp and Jessi and Christel and Jaden and Hillary and Bryce and Teri and Aaron and Eric and Trevor and J-Hart and Liza and all the girls from Building 10 (oh so much!) and Broseph and oh, everybody that has been separated from me since I left Provo.  I love and miss you all (like, you don't even know), and I hope you're doing just swell!
  • I spent at least an hour looking at a huge book of maps of the world finding and reading about where each friend/family member is from/is/will be.
  • "Maybe I should look up my Chumbly home and my Bardsley home, and then I won't miss them so bad."  Didn't work.  Remember that.
  • Sometimes, I'm funny.  Relish it...because it doesn't happen very often.
  • Color-changing fingernail polish is (yet again) one of the coolest things ever.  Fo' really. ;)
  • I am a giant and a half--especially when I'm wearing heels.
  • Sunday is my favorite day of the week.  It's just so great!
  • Life is still so good. :)
Congratulations.  You just picked apart my brain.  Don't you feel...confused?  I sure do!

Friday, May 6, 2011

The Coolest Thing!

Sooooo, you wanna know what it is????  Do ya? Are you suuuuure???  Okay, I'll tell you.  It's.....

.......drum roooooollllllll............


I'm just really excited about it, okay???

For those of you who do not know, I am a member (and avid fan, I might add) of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints.  Yeah, it's really up there in the list of coolest things EVER.  Fo' rizzle.

So!  What event makes this wonderful proclamation of fan-ship so suitable at this very moment in time?  FIRST, I am writing two missionary letters right now.  I'm writing them on old-school stationary.  It's exciting okay?!  Hahaha!  Well, it's exciting to me anyways....

Second, the two missionaries I am writing  are Elders Thomas Olaf and Craig Hunter.  As I write, I have been thinking about all of my friends and family members who have gone on or are going on missions.  I've made a list (as part of their letters) of all of these people, and it just keeps growing!  Granny and Grandpa Christensen got their call to serve this week even!  Everyone is going to a different place.  I know people going to Europe, Pacific Islands, all over in the U.S., Mexico, Russia, Africa, Austrailia--actually, I know of someone going to every continent (excepting Antarctica :] ). Most of them are speaking different languages from any of the others.  BUT even though they are all in different places, in different circumstances, receiving different blessings, talking to different people, meeting different challenges, speaking different languages--they are all out there doing the same work.  They are serving their brothers and sisters around the globe--helping them, loving them, and sharing the Gospel with them.  They are bringing to them the good news of Christ's life, love, sacrifice, and goodness.

Needless to say, this makes me proud of my boys.  I wish I was out there, right now, serving with them.  It's a very great and exciting opportunity to be called by God to go and share your testimony and love of Christ with people all over the world.  I love getting letters from them.  Reading their many adventures is exciting to me, and learning about the sweet people each of them come to know has been a highlight.  I can't get a letter without smiling.  Their love of God and of Christ is so strong, and their love of the people they are serving is so evident in all they write.

And it's then that I realize that I can do what they are doing, kind of.  I love God, Jesus Christ, and the Gospel, and I want to share it with people too!  Sometimes, I feel so inadequate, though.  So, as part of a cousinly-challenge (Thomas and I have lots of those ;)  ) I decided (and was encouraged) to read and study Preach My Gospel (the missionary study guide/manual).  It's been a great experience, and it's fun to know that I am doing at least one thing like my brothers (and cousins, and sisters...and....everyone) out in the field.  :)

So, here at least is a part of my efforts.  I've told you, and if you have any questions (any at all) I will try to answer them to the best of my ability.  It's an exciting thing, and I hope it makes you as happy as it does me! :)

Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Tall Tales

So today I was polishing splash (which takes a veeeeeeryyyy loooooonnnng time), and I had plenty of time to contemplate....

I remember going to a fireside for youth once where an almost-taller-than-me lady spoke.  She told of her many adventures and awkward moments that had occurred because of her height.  There was the time a man in Texas yelled at her across a very busy street to ask her what in the world her parents fed her.  Of course she told the story of buying her very first pair of high heels, and she couldn't leave out the time she went to Japan and was asked to take pictures with lots of enthusiastic and short Japanese people.  Then she told the story I remembered best.

She told about walking into a building when she was in college.  She was wearing a pair of her favorite, four-inch heels.  A man held the door open for her, and asked her (as I get asked many times):

"Why in the world do you wear those?"

"Because it makes me feel feminine," she confidently replied.

"How can you feel feminine when you're taller than everything masculine???" he asked incredulously.

A very good question, my friends, a very good question indeed....

One of Daddy's favorite ways to introduce me is this: "Half of my children are taller than me, and one of them's a GIRL!"  Hehehe!  To be honest, I don't know where this height came from.  I'm taller than my parents, and all four of my grandparents, and I'm pretty sure I'm taller than all of my great grandparents were.  I've been taller than all of my teachers since second grade.  Luckily, I was blessed with two brothers, a big-big one and a big-little one, who can give me a little perspective.  I have a few friends who help with this as well (Michael Alan, I threw that one in for you ;)  ).  As long as I am shorter than them, I am okay, right?

Well, the fact of the matter doesn't matter.  It all comes down to what Ma always told me: "At the end of the day, the only thing that really matters is what you think and what God thinks."  That's all.  Me--I've learned to like myself and my height.  It makes for some interesting, if awkward, conversation.  It keeps me laughing all the day because of the funny situations it presents.  Yes, and though I have grown to enjoy it, it still causes me grief somedays--but it's nothing I can't handle...usually...  As for the Lord, I'm still working on that.  It's a process, you know, and it's going to take my whole life to get there!

Now my only worry is a conversation I had with Dad at work today.
I'm going to have to find myself a real, manly man someday.  If my height doesn't make me un-feminine, maybe all the skills and such Dad is teaching me will.........  BUT I doubt it! :)

Monday, May 2, 2011

Just some things... :)

Today, I thought I would share some things that have been making me happy.  :]

  • I pick up on things relatively quickly.  
    • I helped make most of four granite countertops today.  I understood what I was doing, and I didn't mess up.  That is an accomplishment for me.
  • Fingernail polish that changes color in the sunlight! :]
    • It's my new favorite thing.  Instant joy and happiness right there!
  • My little brother needs me.
    • He needed something cut today...and he didn't know how to use a chainsaw.  I did.  And it made me happy.
    • "I think the vorpal sword was a chainsaw.  They go 'snicker-snack!'" --Max
      • This made me burst out laughing and almost drop Melvin (he wasn't running yet)
    • P.S. Meet Melvin Stihl the Chainsaw.  His wife, Victoria, is a weed-wacker.  They've been my good friends for a while now.
      • And yes, I am wearing color-changing nail polish in that picture :D

  • My skills come in handy sometimes. 
    • I cut this pile of wood with a chainsaw last summer.  I didn't think I'd be needing that skill so soon
  • Shopping at DI
    • I found a cute dress that fits me like a glove...for $8.  I'm quite pleased with myself.
  • I can sew
    • The other day, I ripped a 5" hole in my jeans.  Thanks to my handiwork, you can't even tell...unless I point it out to you...which would just be awkward... ;)
  • Family--They're just the greatest!
    • I get to work for at least 8 hours a day with the best daddy I could ask for
    • My siblings are silly/happy/funny/goofy/loving/cuddly/cute/wonderful
    • My mother loves to sit and visit with me all the day long
    • We watched Nacho Libre for was much needed family-laugh time
    • I painted nails and braided hair with a bunch of girl cousins yesterday
    • Petey and William ran to give me hugs yesterday
    • I laid on my grandparent's floor and visited with them
    • My eyebrow trick makes Blake (my nephew) giggle
  • Waking up to a text from Alissa Fred
  • British comedies
  • Playing the grand piano and singing along.  Could my house be more beautiful for that?  I submit that it can not!
  • The sunshine!  It finally showed up! (Which made my nails and earrings change colors which brightened my day just that much more!)
  • Thinking about Alissa Fred, my Chumbley family, Miiiiichael ALAN, Eric William Mordecai Archimedes, and my Crookshank family all having a BLAST at Disneyland today
  • Marie Morgan making Elder Craiggory a Funfetti cake :]  Brightened my day a ton!
  • Letters from Tommy from Chuuk!  (P.S. If ANYONE knows ANYONE who can translate Chuukese...'twould be a great help!)
  • Watching Nacho Libre and thinking about Larsen serving a mission there.... Hehehehe!
  • Watching Nacho Libre and thinking about my practically sealed FHE family--especially Craig, Christel, and Kirby.  I love all our jokes! :)
  • Figuring out how to play the guitar.  It's a pretty fun pastime.  I enjoy it a lot.
  • Feeling so sore, tired, exhausted, and completely un-lazy.  It's perfect just before you go to bed. Goodnight everyone! :)