Today, I thought I would share some things that have been making me happy. :]
- I pick up on things relatively quickly.
- I helped make most of four granite countertops today. I understood what I was doing, and I didn't mess up. That is an accomplishment for me.
- Fingernail polish that changes color in the sunlight! :]
- It's my new favorite thing. Instant joy and happiness right there!
- My little brother needs me.
- He needed something cut today...and he didn't know how to use a chainsaw. I did. And it made me happy.
- "I think the vorpal sword was a chainsaw. They go 'snicker-snack!'" --Max
- This made me burst out laughing and almost drop Melvin (he wasn't running yet)
- P.S. Meet Melvin Stihl the Chainsaw. His wife, Victoria, is a weed-wacker. They've been my good friends for a while now.
- And yes, I am wearing color-changing nail polish in that picture :D
- My skills come in handy sometimes.
- I cut this pile of wood with a chainsaw last summer. I didn't think I'd be needing that skill so soon

- Shopping at DI
- I found a cute dress that fits me like a glove...for $8. I'm quite pleased with myself.
- I can sew
- The other day, I ripped a 5" hole in my jeans. Thanks to my handiwork, you can't even tell...unless I point it out to you...which would just be awkward... ;)
- Family--They're just the greatest!
- I get to work for at least 8 hours a day with the best daddy I could ask for
- My siblings are silly/happy/funny/goofy/loving/cuddly/cute/wonderful
- My mother loves to sit and visit with me all the day long
- We watched Nacho Libre for was much needed family-laugh time
- I painted nails and braided hair with a bunch of girl cousins yesterday
- Petey and William ran to give me hugs yesterday
- I laid on my grandparent's floor and visited with them
- My eyebrow trick makes Blake (my nephew) giggle
- Waking up to a text from Alissa Fred
- British comedies
- Playing the grand piano and singing along. Could my house be more beautiful for that? I submit that it can not!
- The sunshine! It finally showed up! (Which made my nails and earrings change colors which brightened my day just that much more!)
- Thinking about Alissa Fred, my Chumbley family, Miiiiichael ALAN, Eric William Mordecai Archimedes, and my Crookshank family all having a BLAST at Disneyland today
- Marie Morgan making Elder Craiggory a Funfetti cake :] Brightened my day a ton!
- Letters from Tommy from Chuuk! (P.S. If ANYONE knows ANYONE who can translate Chuukese...'twould be a great help!)
- Watching Nacho Libre and thinking about Larsen serving a mission there.... Hehehehe!
- Watching Nacho Libre and thinking about my practically sealed FHE family--especially Craig, Christel, and Kirby. I love all our jokes! :)
- Figuring out how to play the guitar. It's a pretty fun pastime. I enjoy it a lot.
- Feeling so sore, tired, exhausted, and completely un-lazy. It's perfect just before you go to bed. Goodnight everyone! :)
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