Sunday, January 22, 2012

Tall Tales: I

I was informed by my loverly roommate, Hannah-Face...

...the other day that I don't actually have any posts telling you dear, kind souls what it is like to be tall.  Well, I thought, I'd better get on that!  So! Here it is!  The first of a canon of Tall Tales.

Situation #1:  The Problem of the Classroom

I am a student.  Hence, I spend most of every day of the week (even Sundays, because we have church in the JFSB) in a classroom.  And every time I step into that haven of learning, I am baffled.

We go to school to learn, right?  We go to school to make the world a better place, right??  We go to school to make some sense out of this continually confusing world, right???

Yes, my friend.  Those are all reasons we go to school.

So, the problem is this: If we go to school to learn from past mistakes and to make new, innovative changes in this world, why the crap don't they fix the leg room problem?!  There is no leg room for normal people!  How are those of us who exceed the height of 6 feet supposed to fit into this world?!

This is aaaalllwwaaaayyys a problem, you say, every tall person whines about this.  If you have a problem with it, YOU should fix it.  You, my short friend, don't quite understand...

The reason the smaller citizens of this earth's population should be concerned is because this problem also affects YOU.  Yes, my dear friend.  You.

Because of the lack of said space, we tall people take our studious selves to the front row where our lengthy limbs are free to extend as far forth as they can.  (...and maybe for the off-chance that our professors might trip over them.)  This, my friend, is YOUR problem.  Why?

Because you can't see over us.  You can't tell what's going on.  You can't see the board.  You can't hear the teacher.  The teacher can't see you to call on you, so you can't tell the world how much you know about the life cycle of flamingos.  You just can't.  You can't do all of this because OUR height is in YOUR way.

This is your problem.  And it's a growing epidemic.  (Heh.  No pun intended...) ;)

We should fix this.  Okay? Okay. :)

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