Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Some things that make me smile (and laugh) :]

Liza jumped on my bed this morning
I had time to eat breakfast and read my scriptures this morning
the weather (it's such a B-E-A-Utiful day today!)
walking through the gardens to school
Jessi gave me a hug (she's amazing)
New Testament (Brother Griffin rocks)
The Gospel. (It's the best!)
listening to Anberlin (never thought I would say that)
Eric writes lists for me
doing the dishes :)
making lunch for Liza
going to campus early to eat with her
Liza's sad attempt at "that's what she said" jokes
laughing until I cry
Liza will be goofy with me
we definitely look related today
my homework is done
learning is fun
I am lucky enough to be at BYU
Halloween.  YAY!
Liza and I watch scary movies together
I get to see my family this weekend for a party like no other
I have a job interview tomorrow
hugs and smiles
naturally curly hair
Mike lets me visit him
Jacob tells me of his life
Megan paints my nails
Sam lets me come and steal his wife
Madi calls me to ask me questions
Mom and Dad are fun to visit with
letters from cousins
Max isn't too old to tell me he loves me on the phone
I am utterly and completely surrounded, buried in, and smothered by people that love me
I love them all right back

Sunday, October 16, 2011

♫♪ We'll Bring the World His Truth ♪♫

Okay, so if you don't know what I'll be talking about for the rest of this post, play this video.

This was a reflection I wrote for Brother Griffin's Book of Mormon class on January 25, 2011:

"This class (covering Alma 56) reminded me of a great experience I had last semester.  I was in the greatest FHE family that has ever existed in the history of the Church Education System.  We loved each other so much, and one Sunday night at Ward Prayer, we were going to sing the "As Sisters in Zion/Armies of Helaman - EFY medley" as a ward.  I was at the front because I had been asked to lead the altos and the boys.  The girls sang beautifully, and when it came time for the boys to sing, I was more than a little apprehensive that they wouldn't know what to do.  To my great and wonderful surprise, my wonderful FHE brothers--all of them--stood up from off the floor, strong, tall, and handsome, and started to sing that beautiful song proudly as I'm sure Helaman's sons would have done.  Their sound blew me away.  I finally started leading two lines into the song, and I almost started to cry.

Those boys, and we, are like the Army of Helaman.  We have been taught by goodly parents what we should do, and we need to have that kind of faith in God.  Now, many of those wonderful brothers are serving and preparing to serve missions.  We are not together anymore, but we will always be united in spirit and cause.  The Book of Mormon is our story.  We are to stand wherever we may be as an army of God, to fight against Satan and to bring the world God's truth."
. . . 
Today, in Sunday School, I sat thinking about the words of the song Armies of Helaman.  It is such a powerful song, and it makes me so happy to think of my super-strong cousins, grandparents, and friends who are out serving missions all over this world.  I'm such a fan of them.  They're just wonderful.  My favorite part of the story of the sons of Helaman is Alma 56:44-48:

"Therefore, what say ye, my sons, will ye go against them to battle?
And now I say unto you, my beloved brother, Moroni, that never had I seen so great courage, nay, not amongst all the Nephites.
For as I had ever called them my sons (for they were all of them very young) even so they said unto me: Father, behold our God is with us, and he will not suffer that we should fall; then let us go forth; we would not slay our brethren if they would let us alone; therefore let us go, lest they should overpower the army of Anitpus.
Now they had never fought, yet they did not fear death; and they did think more upon the liberty of their fathers than they did upon their lives; yea, they had been taught by their mothers, that if they did not doubt, God would deliver them.
And they rehearsed unto me the words of their mothers, saying: We do not doubt our mothers knew it."

Heleman's Army
These guys are sooooo cool.

What wonderful, strong young men!  Nowadays, we compare their courage and willingness to serve to missionary work--something else I've been thinking about a lot.  As I sat in church, thinking about the words to this song, I just grew happier and happier to know that God loves his children (you and I included).  I became ever more conscious of the ways in which He has seen fit to bless my life, and I will always be grateful for that.

We have been born as Nephi of old
To goodly parents who love the Lord.
We have been taught and we understand
That we must do as the Lord commands.

We have been saved for these latter days
To build the kingdom in righteous ways.
We hear the words our Prophet declares
Let each who's worthy go forth and share.

We know his plan, and we will prepare
Increase our knowledge through study and prayer.
Daily we'll learn until we are called
To take the gospel to all the world.

We are as the Army of Helaman.
We have been taught in our youth.
And we will be the Lord's missionaries
To bring the world his truth.

God loves you.  He lives, and next time you see two Mormon guys in suits (or girls in dresses (or my grandparents, if you're in Finland)) walking around, please say "Hello!"  You never know, they might just maybe be my best friends, and they have some extremely happy news to share with you.

P.S. Feel free to ask me too. :]

Sunday, October 9, 2011

An Epic Adventure :)

If you want Liza's spin on the story, go here.  Either way, it's epic.  I'm just a little more eloquent than Liza is.

Juuuust kidding!  We're sisters!  We're practically the same person. :P  Anyways....

It was a dark and stormy  Liza and I were going to Granny's for a night of hair-cuts, visiting, tackle-hugs from cousins, and much needed family time.  Beginning our quest, we sprinted from our apartment to Roger (our car) in a manner befitting those who endeavor to avoid the rain, when lo and behold!  Roger was dead.  Dead, dead, dead.  And we, being the damsels in distress we were, called everyone from here to yon trying to find a knight valiant enough to come to our aid.

Only one was willing to answer the call to battle.  One Sir Bryan came swiftly on his--get this--brand new steed, jumper cables in hand.  He pulled up to Roger and commenced to answer the plight of these two young maidens.  Liza, being not sick (unlike me), jumped out to help.  In a moment of mis-communication and confusion, Bryan hooked his car up: black + red -  and Liza hooked Roger up: red + black-, and we commenced to try a jump.  We sat momentarily waiting for Roger to roar to life and be the brave steed he once was when...he started smoking. Woops.  And Bryan's car died.  And wouldn't start.

Not knowing what the results of such an action might be, Liza and I thought we killed it dead.  Like, deader than dead.  Like soooo dead we believed his brand new car would never rise see another dawn.  Hence, these damsels became more than a little bit distressed.  Sir Bryan, bless his soul, was a champ and told us over and over that this was just a learning experience as he tried to figure out what to do.

Eventually, a stranger in a suit came to our aid.  He was on his way to a church meeting, but, spying us along the way, decided to stop and help.  He swiftly informed us that Sir Bryan's car was simply dead and needed a jump.  Which he even more swiftly provided, and Bryan's car roared to life.  We were then advised that it probably needed to be driven for a good half hour--just to make sure it wouldn't die again.

Cue the Adventure of Epic Proportions!

We all jumped in his car and galloped off toward Provo Canyon.  We never quite made it that far, but we did embark on a journey of joy, jest, and spontaneity that has yet to be equaled among the inhabitants of this earth.

You see, I have been craving this:
for.....lets just say quite some time now.  I don't even like soda.  But I loooove this.  It's delicious!  And you can only find it at Blickenstaff's at the Riverwoods in Provo.  Therefore, we all made a stop, and Liza bought us each a bottle of the glory. (So we could see what it tastes like.)  >Siiigh...<  I need a little more of the glory now...

Cheerwine in hand, the three of us explored the toy/candy shop that is Blickenstaff's.  It's a pretty splendid little place.  Loads of fun to venture through!

They have quite a variety of old-school candies and sodas.  It's legit. :)

After playing with almost every toy that store had to sell (and after Liza rode the coin pony because she's a champ), we made for Called to Surf and the fun little recreation facility that is behind it (Provo Beach Resort).

There were clothes to buy, the smell of Disneyland, the beach/boardwalk/oceany/surfy feel, a ropes course, food, miniature golf and croquet, arcade games, a Flowrider (so cool!), bowling, and tons of stuff!  We laughed and joked and had a grand ole time exploring!  It was so fun!

And as we were heading toward the door to go back to Sir Bryan's steed and the life we left behind, we passed an ice-cream shoppe called "I Like Ike's," at which point Liza commenced to enlighten Sir Bryan and myself with her reading of the Daily Universe.  She told us all about how Jimmer and LaVell Edwards helped with the ceremonious opening of the store last week and gave us a summary of how it went down.  When she finished, Sir Bryan pointed over her shoulder and said timidly, "That is Jimmer."  We all turned around...

Sure enough, right behind us stood Jimmer and his fiance, getting ice cream and looking at us (well, Liza) with a very strange expression on their faces.

We turned to each other and laughed awkwardly before swiftly exiting the building... to fall apart laughing in a more appropriate and less embarrassing setting.  Hahaha! :P

We then made our journey back to normal life, home, campus, and existence that isn't nearly as fun.  But it's still perty good.

P.S. When I got back, one of my college-long dreams came true.  I got to go in these places:

BYU's anechoic chambers.  (Top: large Bottom: small)  They suck all sound out of the air and neutralize it for research.  The floors are mesh and there are more wedges beneath them.  I've heard that if you sit there long enough and quiet enough, you can hear the hum of your spinal chord's functioning.  ANYWAYS... it was awesome.  And I was happy.   :)

A Conference of Generals... (...Which I then made specific.)

Its true.  Elder Holland himself told us how miraculous it is to speak words that are valuable to "those who know us very well and those who know us not at all.  Within the Church alone we must speak to the children, the youth and young adults, the middle-aged, and the elderly.  We must speak to families and parents and children at home as we speak to those who are no married, without children, and perhaps very far from home."

Because the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints is a worldwide church, the Brethren must give messages that are broad--messages that can cross racial, national, and ethnic boundaries--messages that God wants to give to all His children.

Thus, it is sometimes easy to listen to a talk and say, "That's not for me.  I don't fit there yet."  In my New Testament class, however, Brother Griffin challenged us to turn General Conference into "Specific" Conference--or, in other words, listen to each message and find some way to apply it to our lives instead of excusing ourselves from following certain instructions.  Good challenge, very good indeed. :)

I was amazed at how many of the messages were aimed right at my heart.  Those men are the prophets of God, and the messages they give are exactly what He wants us to hear.

My favorites?  Well, the whole thing was, but here are some specific ones:

  • "To memorize a scripture is to forge a new friendship."  -Elder Richard G. Scott
  • " are not invisible to your Heavenly Father.  He loves you.  He knows your humble heart and your acts of love and kindness."  -President Dieter F. Uchtdorf
  • "God sees you as His child.  He sees you as the being you are capable and designed to become.  He wants you to know that you matter to Him."  -President Dieter F. Uchtdorf
  • Hearing that there is to be another temple in Provo!  (My thoughts: What to call it, though?  The Tempernacle?) :]
  • "She spoke of the greatness of those two little girls.  It was as if she were presenting princesses to a royal court."  -Elder Henry B. Eyring
  • " we grab you by the lapels and shot as forcefully as we know how:
'Hark! the sound of battle sounding loudly and clear;
Come join the ranks!  Come join the ranks!'
  • "I love you; I pray for you.  I would ask once again that you would remember me and all the General Authorities in your prayers.  We are one with you in moving forward this marvelous work."  -President Thomas S. Monson
To whoever reads this: feel free to comment and tell me what you especially enjoyed about Conference.  

(I realize one quote was from Priesthood Session, but Elder Holland is my favorite apostle, and I felt a little gypped in not getting to hear him this year.  So I listened to it this morning.)

All the talks were absolutely wonderful, and I felt that they were tailor-made for me.  Go.  Read them.  Study them.  Remember them.  I even posted link, so it's super easy for you. ;)

It also helped that Liza and I went home for it.  I'll tell you what, when General Conference rolls around, I don't want to be with anyone but my family.  They're absolutely splendid, and there was loads of time to visit, cuddle, joke, and spoil my nephew to death. :)

I just wanna let you know that I know this church is true.  I know President Thomas S. Monson is the prophet of God on the earth today.  God loves you.  Christ loves you, and they know everything you experience.  They want to bless you, and they do--more than you will ever know.

"Forget not to be patient with yourself. 
 Forget not to be happy now.  
Forget not that the Lord loves you."
-President Dieter F. Uchtdorf
(That one's from Women's Conference.  Read it.  It was splendid.)