Wednesday, July 25, 2012

The Computer: And other sad stories

Actually, I'm only going to bore your mind with one sad story in this post, BUT rest assured.  After the explanation of my neglecting you all for so long, I shall indeed post many a tale.  I promise.  BUT first things first...

Once upon a time there was a little girl.  For the sake of this story, we shall call her A. Christensen-- no--Abigail C.  This bright, radiant, and delightful girl possesses the misfortune of making mistakes.  So many mistakes.  So many expensive mistakes.  The kind of mistakes that you think may happen, but don't really believe will happen to you.  Those kind of mistakes.

This particular mistake happened to her computer.  And water.  And we all know that electronics and water Do. Not. Mix.  Right? Right.

'Twas one jolly night when said girl needed to clean herself up after a mountain bike ride.  One obstacle stood in her way between sweaty and aimless wandering and squeaky-clean sleep.

The light in the bathroom had gone out.

Oh well! she thought, I'll just play music on my computer, and that will be enough light.  But what if something bad happens to your computer?  You only got it last Christmas! . . .  Oh posh!  That won't happen to me!

I should have knocked on wood.

I showered.  I brushed my teeth.  I combed my hair and went to bed. And when I woke up the next morning, my computer screen would not turn on.  And through a succession of reparative action, 'twas decided that it was not worth it to fix the computer.

So, here I sit with a Macbook Pro hooked up to a monitor that my very kind, caring, and understanding father was generous enough to lend me.  'Tis a grand solution, and I'm glad I didn't lose all my stuff.  I'll just have to pay for it later.  Again.

Ugh.  Sometimes, I'm sooooo.... unsmart.