Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Once upon a time....

There lived a little girl. Well...a little-ish girl--okay, so she was never that little. She wasn't huge either. She was....a girl. >sigh<

Once upon a time, there lived a girl.
She was born to loving parents and a family full of rambunctious children, and she was happy. She grew and grew and grew and one day reached her full potential of being 6 feet 2 inches tall, and she was happy. She hated shoes (unless they were high-heels. In THAT case, shoes were fantastic!) She lived outside a very small town with very small people, and she was happy.


This girl is ME! :)

Welcome, welcome to my blog! I'm sure you have long awaited it's arrival (teehee!) and now YOU, yes you, are here now to witness the splendor of it. Congratulations!

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